Clara Driscoll
(1861 - 1944)
Tiffany Studios
(1902 – 1932)
Related person
John Dikeman
(American, 1882 - 1967)
Templates for 22-inch Dragonfly shade, model 1507
ca. 1900-1920
Stamped sheet brass
Various sizes
Gift of Fred and Nancylee Dikeman
In a 1904 letter, Tiffany designer Clara Driscoll described the steps in making a lampshade: "If there are to be many shades made these patterns have to be made in brass. Each pattern has a number on it so that it will be easy to find the place. The patterns are all laid out on a flat piece of glass that the design has been traced on in black paint and this piece of glass with the patterns on it put in one of the windows against the light-and the right glass selected and cut for each pattern and then stuck on the big piece of glass in place of its patterns. When the shade is all cut it is sent to the factory (on its piece of glass)." The Dragonfly shade made with these patterns was probably designed by Clara Driscoll between 1900 and 1906.
DescriptionBrass patterns (53 pieces) for cutting individual segments of glass for 22-inch Dragonfly shade, model 1507.ClassificationsTIFFANY