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Age of Exploration and Dutch New York

Collection Info
Age of Exploration and Dutch New York

Many of the New-York Historical Society's founders and nineteenth-century members had deep roots in New York, a significant number of them descended from families who immigrated in the seventeenth century. These early members were also deeply committed to exploration, and, as such, they collected and donated to the Society many artifacts that help tell the story of the Age of Exploration, and its trajectory, which led to the Dutch founding and settling of New York.

Most of the objects illustrated here are rarely-seen, early treasures from the Society's collections, including its 1542 Ulpius globe, which documents Verrazano's North American discoveries, an exceptional early-eighteenth century hand-painted Indian wall hanging, seventeenth-century maps and renderings of New Amsterdam and New York, and the only known portrait of Peter Stuyvesant painted during his lifetime.

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Seal matrix
Unidentified maker
ca. 1646
Brandywine bowl (brandewijnkom)
Benjamin Wynkoop
ca. 1700
Pin tray
Johannes Reyniers
Seal matrix
Unidentified maker
ca. 1620
Girdle buckle
Everardus Bogardus
ca. 1703
Peter Van Dyck
ca. 1710-1725
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